Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Humidex Ventilation System for Basement

Are you running a dehumidifier in the basement to get rid of the moisture?? Is it cold in your basement during the summer months? Do you have a Musty odor in your basement?

Spring and summer are only a few months away and it is a good time to start thinking about these issues today.

Moisture in the basement or crawl space is a leading source for mold growth. One way to eliminate moisture from your basement is to invest in a Humidex Ventilation System. A Humidex Sytem will pull the cool moist air from your basement and expell it out of the house, while pulling down the dry air from your upper levels. This process will dry your basement out and create 6-10 air exchanges a day improving your Indoor Air Quality throughout your home. Many homes today are built so tight they do not having any air exchanges leaving the same old stale air in your home causing Sick Home Syndrome.

If you want to maintain proper Indoor Air Quality in your home a Humidex is a major step in the right direction. Call Andy today for more information 973.498.0665